Library Skills and Resources

Library Skills... What do you know? What don't you know?

Fiction stories are REAL!
Real stories crafted with fictional characters.
Settings can be fantastical, historical, and realistic!
Storylines are woven with threads of discoveries, survival, angst, mystical journeys,
mysterious intrigue, and heartwarming endings.
Every story... Needs a reader...

Non-Fiction... explorations of all things real!
What can be seen... touched... visited... created... experienced!
Thank you Dewey for your Dewey Decimal system of Knowledge...
As a life-long learner... what you wonder... is only a book away!
Happy Explorations!

Book Reviews 4 All Ages

Inspired Learning: Becoming a Life-Long Learner

Inspired Learning: Becoming a Life-Long Learner


Blog Archive

Life-Long readers... Are... Life-Long Learners

Life-Long readers... Are... Life-Long Learners